Comedian Zach Sherwin (“Epic Rap Battles of History,” “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”) hosts two guest panelists as they solve an actual crossword puzzle live onstage!
For each show, Zach collaborates with a different NYTimes-published crossword maker to create a customized, exclusive puzzle. The clues work just like normal crossword clues, but they’re also rhyming rap lyrics - every performance includes a musical clue preview. When the clue rap, the solving starts! Everything is displayed on a big screen so the crowd can follow the action. As the solvers decipher the clues, Zach takes the show down deep dives of comedy, music, wordplay, and trivia, all inspired by the various answer words. Everything ultimately ties together for a grand finale that’s as satisfying as it is mind-blowing. There’s trivia, quizzes, crowd participation, and tons of surprises. And you don’t need ANY crossword expertise to enjoy this brain-tickling, life-affirming show!